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790thanks to features like instant messenger, inbuilt camera and audio chat, lesbian forums of all variety, events, polls, groups and much, much more. In short, GayGirlNet offers all the richness of service like Facebook, but with a niche appeal. Polls are an interesting feature of the site. Here, users are able to upload multiple choice survey questions to the rest of the network’s community. Other members then click on the answers to reveal how everybody else responded. These polls have proven a useful way for dozens of members of the community to have some of their most pressing questions answered. There is also a forum which hosts conversations on issues relating to being a gay girl, as well as many other topics. Posters talk about their “coming out” stories, their love life, events organised by the social network and relationship issues. In addition to issues of love and romance, there are also opportunities to discuss everything from the environment and conservation to films, health and well-being, music and even computer technology